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Planned Litters For 2022

All waitlists on this page are open and accepting reservations.  If you would like to get on the waitlist, you need to submit your $500.00 Deposit.  The deposit can be submitted via Venmo, Paypal, or Apple Pay.  The deposit is part of the total price of the puppy.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Rahab and Elle are decendents of Memphis and Boaz.  Cash is a decendent of Zonie.  All 3 have been genetically tested and are free and clear of DCM and Von Willebrand.  The due date for both ladies will be October 26th.  The reservations for these two litters will be combined.  Puppy selection and pickup will be December 17th.  At the time of pick up the buyers will get to get to pick from both litters in the order listed on the selection list.



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MALES  - Wait list Open:

2. Damon Craig (5) Male 11/17 9:00 am

4.Jennie Lin (5V) Male  11/17 10:00 DFW 12/19 1:30
5. Calvin Richardson (5V) 11/17 10:30 DFW 11/18 12:45 

6. Rajon Jefferson (5) Male 11/17 12:00 pm

FEMALE - Wait list Open:
1. Medina Family (V) Red Female 12/16 am

2. Rachel Fajardo (5GD) Black Female 12/16 12:00 pm gound shipping
3.  Michelle Shearin (5GD) ? Female 12/17 9:30 am
4.  Erica Guerrero (5PP) Black Female 12/17 10:00 am shipping
5.  Richard Hebert (5V) Red Female12/17 10:30 am
6. Roy Marino (5GD) Red Female 12/17 11:00 am
7. Roy Marino (5GD)Black Female
8. Julissa Moreno (5) Red Female 12/17 11:30 am
9. David Baranski (5V) Black Female 12/17 12:00 pm
10. available
11. available

Taylinn Peters (5GD) Female  12/17 1:00 pm
13. Johanice De Jesus (5GD) Female 12/17 1:30 pm

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Zonie & Boaz 
Expected Fall 2023
Price: $3000



Aliyu Alabi (5GD) Female  

Madison Howard (5GD) Female

Lexy Fotouh (5) Male

Austin Hines (5V) 

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