- For Sale -
Adult doberman looking for a loving home.
Looking for a puppy?
Bella was adopted from Team Feem Breeders when she was 10 weeks old. She is currenlty 2 years old and weighs approximately 75-80 pounds. She is being rehomed because she is not getting along with the other pets in the home. She should be the only pet in her new family. She is very sweet, loyal and loving to her family. Her current family has older children and she interacts well with them. She is very playful and enjoys playing catch and soccer. She likes being inside, outside and does well in the car. She has had basic training and follows commands such as sit, stay, and lay down. She has life time training with play station pet resort in Bedford, Texas. She is up to date on her vaccinations, spayed and microchipped. She is potty trained and crate trained. She comes with AKC registration. She is a high energy dog and should be adopted by a family that is active and has a yard.
- Guardianship Program -
Are you looking for an adult female to join your family? Maybe you need a playmate for a dog that you already own. You might want to consider our guardianship program. This program allows families that live within 2 hours of Boyd, Texas the opportunity to house one of our breeding females. Its a win win situation for both sides. This program allows qualified families the benefit of having a top quality doberman with an excellent pedigree that is socalized. Their is no adoption cost for the female. The guardianship family is required to sign a contract that agrees Team Feem Breeders has the right to breed the female until they decide to retire her. When the female is retired, Team Feem Breeders transfers ownership of the female to the guardianship family and she gets to live out her remaining years as your pet. The guardianship family is required to provide an agreed upon quality food, a monthly heart worm preventative, and routine vet visits. Team Feem Breeders covers all costs and vet visits associated with breeding, and whelping. The female would need to return to the Team Feem facility while in heat to be bred for approximately one week and then a few days prior to delivery and up to 6-8 weeks post delivery. This allows our females the opportunity to get more individualized love and attention and they get to live the best life possible in your home. If you are interested in this opportunity you will need to be able to provide a loving and caring home that allows our females both inside and outside time and daily attention. You should be an experienced dog owner and able to work within the constraints of a partnership.
We currently have 2 females in the guardianship program.
Azul currently lives in North Texas with the Richards family. This family bought a male in 2022 and wanted a playmate for him but didn't want to restart the puppy stage. They provide a great home for Azul. She loves to sleep in bed with them and romps and stomps in the back yard with her brother.
Ali currenlty lives in the DFW area with Felicia. She spends her mornings walking the Trinity trails. They have developed a close bond and enjoy spending time with each other. Ali is a loyal protector.